We welcome the submission of proposals for Workshops at EuCAP’2015. There are two types of Workshops:
Scientific Workshops are intended for practical training, academic formation, interactive discussion, or dissemination of groups/initiatives of interest to the Antennas and Propagation community. Such Workshops are not intended to host European projects, COST Actions or similar. Proponent(s) must elaborate the session content with clear differentiating factors as compared to regular/convened sessions.
Industrial Workshops have the objective to maximise industry involvement and exchanges with delegates from academia and research institutes.
Scientific Workshops
Part of the Workshop should be interactive (beyond the time reserved for questions). Presentations in the Workshop are not peer-reviewed. There is no paper review process. No paper is submitted through EDAS (the session will not appear in EDAS). A small Workshop Technical Programme Committee must be identified, and it will be responsible for the technical content of the Workshop. If a paper from a Workshop is expected to be published in the proceedings, it must be submitted as a poster in the regular paper submission. Note that the Workshop will not be in any case a poster session. The duration of the Workshop can range from 1 to 4 time-slots (each time-slot has 1h40, and 1 day has 4 time-slots), depending on the scientific quality of the proposal, and on the interest and timeliness of topic.
The proposal must be submitted using the template available at this link. There can be 1 or 2 proponents. It has to be submitted before the deadline (extended to the 10th October 2014). The proposal should be submitted via e-mail, to both Mário Silveirinha (mario.silveirinha@co.it.pt) and Degli Esposti (v.degliesposti@unibo.it). The reception of the proposals will be acknowledged.
Scientific Workshops take place during the conference weekdays, and will be announced in the program as open for all delegates.
Industrial Workshops
The duration of the Workshop can range from 1 to 4 time-slots (each time-slot has 1h40, and 1 day has 4 time-slots), depending on the quality of the proposal, and on the interest and timeliness of topic. The content should fit the technical areas of EuCAP.
There is a cost of 1 500.00 €+VAT/hour (currently, VAT is 23%).
The proposal must be submitted using the template available at this link. It has to be submitted before the deadline (extended to the 10th October 2014). The proposal should be submitted via e-mail, to both Mário Silveirinha (mario.silveirinha@co.it.pt) and Vittorio Degli Esposti (v.degliesposti@unibo.it). The reception of the proposals will be acknowledged.
Industrial Workshops take place during the conference weekdays, and will be announced in the program as open for all delegates.
The proponents of the Workshops (both Scientific and Industrial) will be informed if their proposal has been accepted by the conference Steering Committee on 17th November 2014.
If the proposal is accepted, proponents will be asked to prepare a detailed plan with all the activities that will take place at the Workshop. The plan should include an overview of the Workshop and, if pertinent, the complete list of speakers that accepted to contribute, the title of the presentations, description of demos, and others.