Grants & Awards
Grants & Awards
EuCAP 2015 had the following grants and awards:
- 2015 EurAAP Awards
- Propagation: Bertram Arbesser-Rastburg, European Space Agency & SpaceTec Partners SPRL
- Antennas: Ross Stone, IEEE
- 2015 EurAAP Leopold B. Felsen Award
- Francesco Andriulli
- EuCAP 2015 - Lisbon Awards:
- EuCAP 2015 Lisbon Best Papers Awards
- Measurement: Oleksiy S. Kim, Sergey Pivnenko, Olav Breinbjerg, Rolf Jørgensen, Niels Vesterdal Larsen, Kim Branner, Peter Berring, Christen Malte Markussen, Maurice Paquay, “DTU-ESA Millimeter-Wave Validation Standard Antenna (mm-VAST) – Detailed Design”
- Propagation: Lorenzo Luini, Carlo Capsoni, “Joint Effects of Clouds and Rain on Ka-Band Earth Observation Data Downlink Systems”
- Electromagnetic and Antenna Theory: Miao Zhang, Kiyomichi Araki, Jiro Hirokawa, Makoto Ando, “Intersymbol Interference Analysis of a 60 GHz-Band Compact Range Wireless Access System”
- Antenna Design and Applications: Carey Rappaport, Borja Gonzalez-Valdes, “Multistatic Nearfield Imaging Radar for Portal Security Systems Using a High Gain Toroidal Reflector Antenna”
- ESoA-EuCAP 2015 - Lisbon Best Student Paper Awards
- Oscar Borries, Hans Henrik Viskum, Peter Meincke, Erik Jørgensen, Per Christian Hansen1, Carsten H Schmidt, “Analysis of Electrically Large Antennas using Fast Physical Optics”
- Special Mention for the Excellent Presentation:Waqas Hassan Syed, Giuseppe Fiorentino, Daniele Cavallo, Pasqualina M. Sarro, Andrea Neto, “On-Chip double slot antenna at 300 GHz enhanced by artificial dielectrics”
- EuCAP 2015 Travel Grants
2015 EurAAP Awards
The Awards
The EurAAP Awards are granted every year, during the European Conference on Antennas & Propagation event. Starting in 2015, 2 Awards will be given:
- the EurAAP Antenna Award,
- the EurAAP Propagation Award.
These Awards aim at recognising the contribution of an individual person to:
- Advances in Antennas & Propagation
- Education in the fields of Antennas & Propagation
- Coordination of research & networking activities in the fields of Antennas & Propagation in Europe or in relationship to Europe
The Awards consist of:
- a plaque;
- a free registration for the 2016 edition of EuCAP
- a free ticket for the Conference Dinner at the 2016 edition of EuCAP.
The Award will be presented at EuCAP’2015’s Conference Dinner.
Awards Committee
The recipients of the Awards will be selected by an Award Committee composed of 7 members: the leader of the EurAAP WG Societal Issues, who will act as Chairperson, and 6 members appointed for a three-year term by the EurAAP BoD on behalf of the EurAAP Delegates Assembly. Their deliberations will be confidential, and their decision final.
All EurAAP members have had the possibility to nominate candidates. A biography of the nominees must have been provided, highlighting the reasons why the nominated candidate should be considered for the prize. The candidates could also get endorsements from other EurAAP members. The nomination forms have been available in the conference website.
- Propagation: Bertram Arbesser-Rastburg, European Space Agency & SpaceTec Partners SPRL
- Antennas: Ross Stone, IEEE
2015 EurAAP Leopold B. Felsen Award
The Award
The “Leopold B. Felsen Award for Excellence in Electrodynamics” was originally established jointly by the University of Siena and the University of Sannio, funded through a donation from Michael and Judy Felsen in fulfilment of the last wishes of their father, Professor Leo Felsen (1924-2005). Starting from 2015, the Award will be established by the European Association on Antennas and Propagation.
The main purpose of the EurAAP Leopold B. Felsen Award is to keep alive Prof. Felsen’s memory and scientific legacy, as well as to foster academic excellence in the electromagnetics community, by giving recognition to outstanding scientific contributions from early stage researchers in electrodynamics, with emphasis on wave interactions with complex environments. Detailed information on the Award is available at EurAAP Leopold B Felsen Award.
The award consists of a prize of 4000 euros, which will be funded by the Felsen Family through a donation.
The Award will be presented every year at EuCAP’s Conference Dinner.
Award Committee
A committee composed by Prof. Vincenzo Galdi (University of Sannio) and by other four prominent scientists will be in charge of the selection. For the first edition, Prof. Galdi will chair the committee. The committee will assign the Award on the basis of:
- Pertinence of the topics;
- Relevance and quality of the presented papers;
- Scientific standing of the candidate.
The four members of the committee will be chosen by the EurAAP Board of Directors (BoD), in consultation with Prof. Galdi. For the first edition, Prof. Felsen’s son (Michael) and daughter (Judy) will be invited to EuCAP’2015’s Conference Dinner to present the prize.
Eligibility and Nomination
The Award, by nomination only, will be presented annually, as a career award, to an early stage researcher. Information on the documentation the nominators must submit has been available at the conference website.
Eligible nominees should be under 40 years of age at the submission deadline. Previous awardees (also from the former Sannio and Siena editions) are not eligible.
All documents were sent to Prof. Galdi, to the Chair of the EurAAP Awards Committee and the Chair of the EurAAP Board of Directors:
Prof. Vicenzo Galdi, University of Sannio
Dr. Marta Martínez Vázquez, Chair of the EurAAP Awards Committee
Prof. Juan R. Mosig, Chair of the EurAAP Board of Directors
Francesco Andriulli
EuCAP 2015 - Lisbon Awards
EuCAP Best Paper Awards
The Award
The EuCAP 2015 Best Paper Awards have been created to contribute to the recognition of scientific quality of research and engineering in four thematic domains:
- Measurement
- Propagation
- Electromagnetic and Antenna Theory
- Antenna Design and Applications.
The Awards consist of offers sponsored by J. Wiley and EPFL.
The authors of the selected papers are invited to compete for the Awards on a special poster session held on the afternoon of Thursday, April 16th.
The Awards are to be presented at EuCAP 2015 Closing Ceremony.
Awards Committee
The Awards will be chaired by Prof. A. Moreira and Prof. A. Skrivervik. For each Award, the Conference Organising Committee will nominate a Jury constituted by three distinguished researchers in the field.
- Jury members:
- Dirk Heberling, RWTH Aachen University
- Manuel Sierra Castaner, Universidad Politècnica de Madrid
- Lars Foged, Microwave Vision Group
- Winner:
Oleksiy S. Kim1, Sergey Pivnenko1, Olav Breinbjerg1, Rolf Jørgensen2, Niels Vesterdal Larsen2, Kim Branner3, Peter Berring3, Christen Malte Markussen3, Maurice Paquay4,
“DTU-ESA Millimeter-Wave Validation Standard Antenna (mm-VAST) – Detailed Design”1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
2 TICRA, Copenhagen, Denmark,
3 Department of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Roskilde, Denmark,
4 ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands
- Finalists:
Goutam Chattopadhyay1, Theodore Reck1, Adrian Tang1,2, Cecile Jung-Kubiak1, Choonsup Lee1, Jose Siles1, Erich Schlecht1, Yanghyo M. Kim2, M-C F. Chang2, and Imran Mehdi1, “Compact Terahertz Instruments for Planetary Missions”
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA USA,
2 University of California, Los Angeles, CA USA -
Oleksiy S. Kim1, Sergey Pivnenko1, Olav Breinbjerg1, Rolf Jørgensen2, Niels Vesterdal Larsen2, Kim Branner3, Peter Berring3, Christen Malte Markussen3, Maurice Paquay4,
“DTU-ESA Millimeter-Wave Validation Standard Antenna (mm-VAST) – Detailed Design”1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
2 TICRA, Copenhagen, Denmark,
3 Department of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Roskilde, Denmark,
4 ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands -
Sofia Rahiminejad1, Elena Pucci2, Sjoerd Haasl3, Peter Enoksson1 , “Evolution of Pin-Flange Adapters for High Frequency Measurements”
1 Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
2 Department of Signals and Systems, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
3 Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden -
Matthias Maschlanka, Torsten Eichner, Michael Meuleners, Christoph Degen, “Alamouti Space-time Coding in Car-to-Car Communications - SDR-based Implementation and Measurement”
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Hochschule Niederrhein – University of Applied Sciences, Krefeld, Germany
Dinh Thanh Le1, Lira Hamada2, Soichi Watanabe2, “A New Measurement Technique and Experimental Validations in Determination SAR of N-Antenna Transmitters Using Scalar E-Field Probes”
1 Faculty of Radio-Electronics Eng., Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam
2 EMC Lab., National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Koganei, Tokyo, JapanPapers ordered by registration entry
- Jury members:
- Thomas Kuerner, Technische Univesität Braumschweig
- Michael Schönhuber, Fachhochschule Joanneum Graz
- David W. Matolak, University of South Carolina
- Winner:
Lorenzo Luini, Carlo Capsoni, “Joint Effects of Clouds and Rain on Ka-Band Earth Observation Data Downlink Systems”
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB), Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
- Finalists:
Jochen Moll1, Joel B. Harley2, Viktor Krozer1, “Data-driven Matched Field Processing for Radar-based Microwave Breast Cancer Detection”
1 Goethe University of Frankfurt, Department of Physics,Frankfurt am Main, Germany
2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Utah, USA -
Wei Wang, Jost Thomas, Ronald Raulefs, Gerald Hoerack, Michael Walter, Uwe-Carsten G. Fiebig, “Propagation Channel At 5.2 GHz in Baltic Sea with Focus on Scattering Phenomena”
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Communications and Navigation, Wessling, Germany
Lorenzo Luini, Carlo Capsoni, “Joint Effects of Clouds and Rain on Ka-Band Earth Observation Data Downlink Systems”
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB), Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Corentin Friedrich1,2, Sébastien Bourguignon1, Jérôme Idier1, Yves Goussard2, “Faster Resolution of the 3-D Forward Problems in Microwave Imaging by a Partial-Block BiCGStab Algorithm”
1 LUNAM Université, École Centrale de Nantes, Nantes, France
2 École Polytechnique de Montréal, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Montréal QC, Canada -
Marianna Biscarini1, Frank S. Marzano1, Luciano Iess2, Mario Montopoli1, Klaide De Sanctis3, Saverio Di Fabio3, Maria Montagna, Mattia Mercolino4, Marco Lanucara4, “Weather effects mitigation at Ka band by using radiometeorological model forecast in deep space downlinks”
1 DIET and CRAS, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
2 DIMA and CRAS, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
3 HIMET and CETEMPS, University of L’Aquila, Italy
4 ESOC, European Space Agency, GermanyPapers ordered by registration entry
Electromagnetic and Antenna Theory:
- Jury members:
- Angelo Freni, Università degli Studi di Firenze
- Mats Gustafsson, Lund University
- Christophe Caloz, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal
- Winner:
Miao Zhang, Kiyomichi Araki, Jiro Hirokawa, Makoto Ando, “Intersymbol Interference Analysis of a 60 GHz-Band Compact Range Wireless Access System”
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Eng., Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
- Finalists:
Miao Zhang, Kiyomichi Araki, Jiro Hirokawa, Makoto Ando, “Intersymbol Interference Analysis of a 60 GHz-Band Compact Range Wireless Access System”
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Eng., Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Luigi Vallozzi1, Freek Boeykens2, Hendrik Rogier1, “Cylindrically-bent rectangular patch antennas: novel modeling techniques for resonance frequency variation and uncertainty”
1 Department of Information Technology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
2 Verotech BVBA, Researchpark Haasrode, Leuven, Belgium -
Maciej Smierzchalski1, Massimiliano Casaletti2, Mauro Ettorre1, Ronan Sauleau1, and Nicolas Capet3, “Scalar metasurface antennas with tilted beam”
1 IETR, UMR CNRS 6164, University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France
2 Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris, France
3 CNES, Toulouse, France -
Carl Pfeiffer, Anthony Grbic, “Collimating Leaky-Wave Radiation with Metasurfaces”
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, MI, USA
Michele Borgese, Filippo Costa, Simone Genovesi, Agostino Monorchio, “Iterative Design Approach for Multi-Band Single-Layer Reflectarrays”
Dipartimento Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Microwave and Radiation Lab Università di Pisa, Italy
Papers ordered by registration entry
Antenna Design and Applications:
- Jury members:
- Lluis Joffre, Universidad Politècnica de Catalunia
- Dirk Manteuffel, Christian Albrecht Universität zu Kiel
- Per-Simon Kildal, Chalmers University of Technology
- Winner:
Carey Rappaport, Borja Gonzalez-Valdes, “Multistatic Nearfield Imaging Radar for Portal Security Systems Using a High Gain Toroidal Reflector Antenna”
ALERT Center of Excellence, Northeastern University, Boston (MA), USA
- Finalists:
Carey Rappaport, Borja Gonzalez-Valdes, “Multistatic Nearfield Imaging Radar for Portal Security Systems Using a High Gain Toroidal Reflector Antenna”
ALERT Center of Excellence, Northeastern University, Boston (MA), USA
Cedric Martel, “Low Profile Array With Integrated High Impedance Surfaces For High Performance Adaptive GNSS”
Electromagnetism and Radar Department (DEMR) ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab, Toulouse, France
Md Delwar Hossain, Ananda Sanagavarapu Mohan, “A Comparative Study of Coherent Time Reversal Minimum Variance Beamformers for Breast Cancer Detection”
Centre for Health Technologies, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Maria Seimeni1, Panagiotis K. Gkonis1, Dimitra I. Kaklamani1, Iakovos S. Venieris1, Christos Papavassiliou2,“On BER evaluation of a Regional Anti-Jamming Subcarrier Strategy for MIMO-OFDMA Systems”
1National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Athens, Greece
2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College, South Kensington Campus, London, UK -
Dimitra Zarbouti, George Tsoulos, Georgia Athanasiadou, “The Effects of Antenna Array Size and Back Lobe Level on Self-Interference and Transmitted Powers for 4G Beamforming Multicell Systems with In-Band Full Duplex Relays”
Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Papers ordered by registration entry
ESoA-EuCAP 2015 - Lisbon Student Awards
The Award
EuCAP 2015 will award a prize to recognize the best paper presented by a student.
ESoA sponsors the Best Student Paper Awards.
To be eligible, the (first) author must fulfil the following conditions:
PhD student or having obtained the PhD in 2015,
under 35 years of age at the Conference starting date,
registered at EuCAP,
personally present the paper at EuCAP,
- be present at the EuCAP closing ceremony session.
Also, a maximum of two co-authors can be over the age of 35.
The authors of the selected papers are invited to compete for the Awards on a special poster session held on the afternoon of Thursday, April 16th.
The Awards will be presented at EuCAP’2015’s Closing Ceremony.
Awards Committee
The Best Sudent Paper Awards Awards will be chaired by Prof. A. Moreira and Prof. A. Skrivervik. The Conference Organising Committee in agreement with ESoA will nominate a Jury constituted by three distinguished researchers.
Jury members:
- Marta Martínez-Vázquez, IMST
- Ross Stone, IEEE
- Matthias Hein, Technische Universität Illmenau
- Oscar Borries1,2, Hans Henrik Viskum2, Peter Meincke2, Erik Jørgensen2, Per Christian Hansen1, Carsten H Schmidt3, “Analysis of Electrically Large Antennas using Fast Physical Optics”
1Technical University of Denmark, DTU Compute, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
2TICRA, Læderstræde 34, DK-1201 Copenhagen, Denmark
3Airbus Defence & Space, Munich, Germany
Special Mention for the Excellent Presentation:
Waqas Hassan Syed, Giuseppe Fiorentino, Daniele Cavallo, Pasqualina M. Sarro, Andrea Neto, “On-Chip double slot antenna at 300 GHz enhanced by artificial dielectrics”
Dept. of Microelectronics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Hernán Barba Molina, Jan Hesselbarth, “Reactively Matched Long Slot Linear Connected Array Antenna”
University of Stuttgart, Institute of Radio Frequency Technology (IHF), Stuttgart, Germany
Sathya Narayana Venkatasubramanian1, Linsheng Li1, Clemens Icheln1, Fabien Ferrero2, Cyril Luxey3, Katsuyuki Haneda1, “Impact of Neutralization on Isolation in Co-Planar and Back-to-Back Antennas”
1 Dept. of Radio Science and Engineering, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Espoo, Finland
2 Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, LEAT, UMR 7248, Sophia Antipolis, France
3 EpOC, Universite Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France -
Waqas Hassan Syed, Giuseppe Fiorentino, Daniele Cavallo, Pasqualina M. Sarro, Andrea Neto, “On-Chip double slot antenna at 300 GHz enhanced by artificial dielectrics”
Dept. of Microelectronics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Oscar Borries1,2, Hans Henrik Viskum2, Peter Meincke2, Erik Jørgensen2, Per Christian Hansen1, Carsten H Schmidt3, “Analysis of Electrically Large Antennas using Fast Physical Optics”
1Technical University of Denmark, DTU Compute, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
2TICRA, Læderstræde 34, DK-1201 Copenhagen, Denmark
3Airbus Defence & Space, Munich, Germany -
Mohamed El-Hadidy, Ahmed Elawamry, Abdelfattah Fawky, Maher Khaliel, Thomas Kaiser, “A Novel Collision Avoidance MAC Protocol for Multi-Tag UWB Chipless RFID Systems Based on Notch Position Modulation”
Institute of Digital Signal Processing, Duisburg-Essen University , Duisburg, Germany
Papers ordered by registration entry
EuCAP2015 Travel Grants
Eight travel grants have been awarded to young authors (aged below 35) of high quality papers from developing countries. The grants mean free entrance at EuCAP. Details on applications have been announced at the conference website. The applications have been ranked and the Grants Jury has assigned the grants. The applicants have been informed of the decision.