Welcome to the 2015 edition of EuCAP, the 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, owned by the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP), organised each year since 2006, and which we have the pleasure to host in Lisbon, Portugal.
EuCAP is supported by top level world-wide associations on Antennas and Propagation, and provides a forum on the major challenges faced by these communities. This year, we got a record high number of submitted papers, i.e., 1 328 papers were submitted by the scientific academic and industrial community (for both regular and convened sessions), which made us very proud. A total of 1 019 papers were accepted for presentation in either oral or poster sessions, providing an excellent overview of the current state-of-the-art in Antennas, Propagation and Measurements, and showing the latest developments and novelties required for future applications.
As you know, the acceptance of papers in a conference is limited by both absolute and relative thresholds. The former means that papers that are below the technical borderline cannot be accepted; the latter implies that some papers that are above this technical borderline are not accepted either, because the conference does not have capacity for them. This was the case for EuCAP’2015 as well. All papers had at least 4 reviews (one of them from a meta-reviewer, i.e., one of the TCP members, providing the final recommendation on acceptance), but more than 85% of the papers had 5 or more reviews, the average being 5.45. We consider this a success. The whole review process involved the hard work of 83 TPC members and 1 529 reviewers. With this result, we are quite confident on the final high quality of the papers being presented at the conference.
This year’s programme follows the structure of the previous ones. On the first day, we’ve the tutorials, covering quite an interesting range of topics, by recognised experts; we accepted less than half of the proposals, which shows the interest that EuCAP has in the scientific community. The opening of the conference has three Keynote Speakers, from the three corners of the world: it is a real pleasure to have João S. da Silva, Ryuji Kohno and Geilson Loureiro, addressing exciting and complementary views on the design and usage of antennas for signal propagation in a variety of scenarios, and on some of the many applications that can be considered. The afternoon of most of the days include talks by Invited Speakers, providing in depth perspectives on many topics; we’ve tried to schedule their talks in order to minimise as much as possible the “conflicts of interest”, i.e., to avoid that you would wish to exercise ubiquity to attend all the talks that are of interest to you (I hope we’ve managed to achieve this goal). The accepted papers were organised into Oral and Poster Sessions, the former coming from Regular and Convened Sessions submissions. Of course, in parallel to these sessions, we have the Workshops, both Scientific and Industrial, as well as meetings of the various Working Groups. Finally, not least important, EuCAP continues to offer an important Exhibition, where we can see some of the latest technological developments in our area.
I would like to thank all of those who have contributed to the success of the conference: the authors of the papers, tutorials and workshops submitted to the conference; the keynote and invited speakers, and sessions’ chairpersons, who accepted the invitation to be here, hence, providing an excellent added value to the conference; the members of the various committees, who provided the necessary scientific and technical expertise, and performed an excellent work in shaping the conference programme; the reviewers of the papers, who ensured that high quality papers were accepted to the conference; last, but not the least, all the colleagues on the Local Organising Committee, who worked hard with me for more than a year towards the success of the conference, and without whom this edition of EuCAP would have never been possible. Organising such an event is never a one man show, and only with the support of all these colleagues, we managed to present this conference to you. Moreover, our sponsors, exhibitors and supporting institutions also deserve an acknowledgment, given the support they have provided. I hope you fill rewarded by the time and money spent to attend EuCAP in Lisbon.
Lisbon, the westernmost city in continental Europe, is quite an attractive place to visit, and you can easily extend your stay for a few days, so that you can enjoy the city and its surroundings, as well as its gastronomy. The weather is usually quite mild, and you’ll be experiencing a pleasant Spring in the region.
My personal wishes that you enjoy both the conference and the city. Thank you for coming.
Luis M. Correia
Professor, IST - INOV/INESC, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal